Home Economics S1/S2 Course

S1/S2 Course


  • to provide a smooth transition from Primary school to Secondary school
  • to build a course which will lead smoothly into S3 when Curriculum for Excellence is fully embedded by 2012

Health and well being outcomes & experiences

  • Pupils will develop their understanding of a healthy diet, which is one composed of a variety and balance of foods and drinks.
  • Pupils will acquire knowledge and skills to make healthy food choices and help to establish lifelong healthy eating habits.
  • Pupils will develop an appreciation that eating can be an enjoyable activity and understand the role of food within social and cultural contexts.
  • Pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of safe and hygienic practices and their importance to health and wellbeing and apply these in practical activities and everyday routines including good oral health.
  • Pupils will begin to develop awareness that food practices and choices depend on many factors including availability, sustainability, season, cost, religious beliefs, culture, peer pressure, advertising and the media.

Technologies outcomes & experiences

  • When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, pupils will become aware of the journeys which foods make from source to consumer, their seasonality, their local availability and their sustainability.
  • Pupils will use problem-solving strategies and showing creativity in a design challenge to plan, develop, make and evaluate food or textile items.
  • Pupils will practise and apply a range of preparation techniques and processes to make food and textile items showing imagination and creativity whilst recognising the need to conserve resources.
  • Pupils will gain confidence and dexterity in the use of ingredients and equipment and apply specialist skills in preparing food.

Course outline


Autumn Term
The Journey of Food Using the Cooker
Spring Term
Healthy Eating
Fabric Unit
Summer Term


Autumn Term
Food Labelling & Packaging
Spring Term
Understanding & Developing Recipes
Summer Terms
Foods of the World

Pupils are given a schedule of work at the start of each term. This gives a plan of the course, details of the container needed for each lesson and dates when homework is given out. Pupils are encouraged to use this schedule regularly and it is helpful if parents/guardians can support and encourage this.

Teaching approaches

A variety of approaches are used throughout the course. These include active learning, group work and problem solving exercises. There is much discussion and sharing, with an emphasis on the development of practical skills, confidence and teamwork.


Homework is given out around 12 times each year. It is to be completed and handed in the following week, apart from the Nutrition leaflet completed over 7-8 weeks in the Autumn term of S2. Each course has regular homework built in to consolidate or extend the work done in class. This is currently being developed for S1 classes starting in August 2010 to replace outdated booklets. There are plans to extend and develop the current S2 homework booklet to provide more challenge and independent learning in 2010-2011.


Pupils are given regular feedback throughout the course to identify how they can improve their work.In addition there is a written and practical assessment at the end of most units - this is clearly marked on their schedule of work.

Meet the Home Economics Staff