Your child’s Guidance Teacher is usually your first point of contact should you wish to discuss the progress of your child at school, pass on information or share any concerns. There are 5 Guidance Teachers at Earlston High School, each has responsibility for the pastoral support of the young people in their caseload, of around 210-220 pupils. Pupils will usually have the same Guidance Teacher as their siblings throughout their time at school.
If you wish to contact your child’s Guidance Teacher, please do so through the school office. The Guidance Teacher will be very happy to set up an appointment with you and return any emails or phone messages as soon as practically possible.
Guidance Teachers meet regularly with their pupils through the Learner Journey lessons and when conducting interviews at certain points during the school year, usually after a report is issued. Young people are encouraged to raise any issues with their Guidance Teacher so they can be supported at the earliest opportunity.
The Guidance Teachers are as follows:
- Students in Eden House: Mrs G McGinlay
- Students in Leader House: Mr A Mckenzie
- Students in Teviot House: Miss E Rome
- Students in Turfford House: Miss M Allison
- Students in Tweed House: Miss C Fleming
In addition, our five Depute Headteachers have responsibilities as follows:
- Students from S1 & S2: Mrs J Weston
- Students from S3 & S4: Ms Lees
- Students from S5 & S6: Mrs H Grant
You may also contact the school office with any general enquiries.