Art & Design Broad General Education S1-S3


There are two elements to this course;

Expressive Activity

Develops pupils’ abilities to express personal ideas, observations, thoughts and feelings using visual methods. Pupils will experiment and explore media, materials, techniques and technology of artists. Through exploring a theme, pupils will produce expressive artworks in drawing, painting, sculpture or print. Alongside the practical work pupils will explore artists working in a related field and the factors and influences which affect their work.

Design Activity

Developing skills in problem solving and critical thinking, pupils will tackle real-life design projects. Pupils will respond to a brief and work to achieve a successful solution in an area such as Graphic Design, Ceramics, Jewellery, etc.

Through the study of designers who work in a related area, pupils will examine the influences and impact of their designs and the role of the designer in society.


All pupils will follow the same two year course. Pupils will be assessed at the end of S4 using a portfolio of evidence from both expressive and design activities.

At National 4 the work will be internally assessed and moderated by the SQA.

At National 5 there will be external assessment of the portfolio and an external examination. The decision on whether pupils are presented at National 4 or National 5 will be made at the end of S3.


Pupils can expect to spend up to one hour per week on homework. While the work will vary, a major part of the homework will involve the development of a personal sketchbook and gathering visual and written information in support of classwork.

Skills useful to the course

Some skills in drawing and observation are advantageous but it is equally important to have some creative and imaginative flair. The vast majority of pupils at this stage have sufficient ability to achieve satisfaction, enjoyment and success during the course.

Value of course

The study and practice of Art and Design can be a deeply fulfilling and enjoyable experience, leading to a life-long interest and a lasting appreciation of the Fine Arts and all aspects of Design. Careers which might be followed on leaving school in the visual and creative industries are such as; artist, architect, landscape architect, sculptor, stage and make-up artist, and designers in a wide range of areas such as; interior design, photography, film and animation, furniture, product, illustration, digital design, graphic design, and many others. Examples of other areas which benefit from the study of Art and Design are Primary/Secondary teaching and hairdressing.