For many years Earlston High School has been on a journey to ensure that our school is an inclusive space for all its community members and since 2017, we have worked closely with LGBT Youth Scotland to ensure the way we do things meets all our pupil’s needs. We have introduced the following:
- An annual Diversity Week celebrating protected characteristics mentioned in the Equality Act (2010): age, race, disability, religion and belief, gender reassignment, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity. In addition, our school also provides support for pupils who experience poverty, young carers, non-binary pupils, care-experienced pupils and those who have English as an additional language.
- Creating a Diversity Club, which meets every Tuesday lunchtime in Art 1, and regularly discusses and promotes awareness around age, race, disability, religion and belief, gender reassignment, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity.
- Creating an S6 Diversity Committee who help to drive change in the school and oversee the Diversity Week, Diversity Club and support our Cluster Primary Schools with their journey to being an inclusive space for all their community;
- Created and or amended school policy documents to ensure that all are supported and feel safe to thrive in our school community (Equalities Policy, Inclusion Policy, LGBT+ Policy, Wellbeing Policy, Anti-Bullying Policy and PE Inclusion Policy);
- Implemented training in relation to LGBT identities and awareness, Mental Health, Child Protection, Humanutopia, MVP and Differentiation and Inclusion;
- Adapted teaching resources to ensure that they feature a range of voices from across the Protected Characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010;
- Regularly asked our students, teachers and parents about continually improving diversity and inclusion.
As a result of this ongoing work and our aspiration to create an inclusive learning environment for all our students, ‘getting it right for all’, we have achieved the LGBT Youth Scotland Gold Charter Mark. Through this intersectional work, we strive to take a holistic approach to inclusion at Earlston High School. Special thanks to our committed students and teachers in helping to drive this forward. If you have any questions regarding our equalities or practice please contact Mr Sinclair or Mrs McDonald
Clubs based in school:
Diversity Club Tuesday Lunchtime Mr Adam’s Room Art 1
Christian Union Tuesday and Thursday Lunchtime SS9
Amnesty Club Wednesday Lunch time SS10
Model United Nations Thursday Lunchtime SS7
Please check the school bulletin and the extra-curricular activity club list for more
Scottish Borders LGBT Youth Services
Our vision is that Scotland is the best place to grow up for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people. Our mission is to play a leading role in the provision of quality youth work to LGBTI young people that promotes their health and wellbeing, and to be a valued and influential partner in LGBTI equality and human rights
Services for Young People and Youth Groups in the Scottish Borders
*Please note that all our services are now being delivered online to ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff, volunteers and young people during the Coronavirus outbreak from March 2020.
We are currently running online youth groups using a combination of Facebook, Discord and a range of live interactive tools. All our groups are private and can be accessed through invite only. If you would like to access any of our groups, please visit
We offer a wide range of groups, activities, and events for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people and their friends.
Whether you want to meet other LGBT young people, gain skills and qualifications, or be more politically active, we've got something for you!
- Borders Involved Wednesday age 13-15 4.30-7.15pm
We have now moved this online group on to Discord, please visit the link above on how to access local youth groups, you will be sent a link to access the chat service
- We provide 1-2-1 support
- C-card, sexual health & relationships information
- Exciting projects & accreditation
- Come along and make new friends
Digital support
Digital support - The LiveChat feature of our website is a fantastic way to chat with trained youth workers in real time about what’s on your mind. From questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity, coming out, relationship issues; bullying to sexual health – this is a private place designed for you to comfortably chat with an online youth worker. Information with dates and times can be found here -
Support for parents, carers and guardians
TransParenTsees - Group run by and for parents, carers and guardians of transgender young people meets on the 1st Monday of the Month. e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Trans-Parent Borders - Trans-parents Borders is a volunteer run support group for parents and guardians of transgender and non-binary young people aged 13 - 21 in the Scottish Borders. E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
LGBT Youth Scotland’s training service is currently on hold. If you would like to discuss training for the future we deliver for a variety of professionals including youth workers, colleges and universities, teachers, police officers, health professionals and many others.
We have over 20 years’ experience in developing and delivering training to provide a participative approach which seeks to raise confidence and competence in dealing with LGBT issues. Our training service aims to meet participants at their level of understanding and knowledge and topics include raising LGBT awareness, transgender specific training, challenging homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, and mainstreaming equalities.
LGBT Charter
The LGBT Charter is a powerful, easy to use tool to help everyone in an organisation focus on the quality of services they provide. It helps demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to LGBT people in the local area. The programme supports organisations to undertake training, review policies in line with legislation, and consider practices and resources. Achieving the LGBT Charter enables your organisation to clearly show that it has taken steps to improve services and the workplace, and remove barriers for LGBT people.
You can find out more details about these services on our website: or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
David is working online, working with Border Schools in completing their charter through online work. Please do not hesitate to contact David (Email below) with any questions or queries relating to Charter or other various issues.
Thank you and if you have any questions please contact:
Ann Marriott: Youth Work Manager (East) at LGBT Youth Scotland This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.