Music Broad General Education


  • to ensure that all children have an opportunity to create, perform and respond positively to music;
  • to provide the means so that all pupils may develop an informed interest in music and to develop such skills and insights as are an intrinsic part in the full enjoyment of music;
  • to encourage all pupils, throughout the whole range of ability, to realise their musical potential;
  • to ensure all children should be given the opportunity to learn to read music as it arises naturally in the course of their work.
  • to encourage pupils to develop musical skills through the use of ICT in both notative packages and blended learning through Teams and Satchel One.

Course outline

The BGE course is designed in S1/2/3 to provide the skills that will be the basis for those pupils wishing to continue with music at N4/5 and beyond. The elements of the course are:

  • Performing
  • Listening.
  • Composing


Work set as homework will appear as a notification on both Teams and Satchel One. Pupils should return homework through Satchel One to their teacher

S1 Overview

S2 Overview

Meet the Music Staff