National 4 & 5 Drama

N5 Course Overview

Throughout this course you will develop your Drama and Production Skills through creating, presenting and evaluating Drama. Ultimately this will prepare you for both assessment components of the course. It is particularly important that you keep up to date with theory tasks as they will help to prepare you for the written examination.

June – October: Devised Drama

In this topic you will use your knowledge of performance concepts to create an original drama from a variety of stimuli in small groups. You will perform to an audience from another class. Throughout the unit you will experiment with various drama techniques such as conventions, form, genre, structure and style. You will also complete a range of rehearsals activities such as hot-seating, writing in role, etc. This performance will also double as your performance prelim and will be performed (and filmed) in October. During this unit you will also add the various production skills to your devised drama – lighting, sound, set design, costume hair and makeup. You will be acting in the performance and also in charge of one other production skill in the performance.

October – December: Written Assessment

This will prepare you for the written examination, taken in the SQA exam diet (prelim in January, SQA exam in May/June). The written component of the exam is worth 40% of your overall mark. Section 1 of the written paper is a mixture of self and peer evaluation of your most recent performance, whilst Section 2 is Response to a Stimulus. Questions will be worked on throughout this time in the run up to prelims and homework will be given to make sure you are fully able to achieve in the written paper. In class, you will be doing a mixture of whole class discussion on exam questions, past paper questions and terminology tests, which is a major aspect of the exam.

January – April: Practical Performance

This will be a scripted performance in small groups, with a concentrated rehearsal period from January before being performed in front of a visiting examiner in March/April. This will also be filmed at this time. This will be your final performance mark which is worth 50% of your overall mark. This can be done either in acting or a production role. You will be using all of your knowledge gained over the year to create an effective drama. You will also be required to complete a short 400 word essay on your performance process which is worth 10% of your overall mark.

Drama Nat45